겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스 ‘이신영’학생, 「Solo Guitar Competition 2024」 국제대회 ‘특별상’ 수상

겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스 3학년에 재학중인 이신영 학생(22)이 전세계 기타음악의 권위적인 대회로 인정받고 있는 「Solo Guitar Competition 2024 국제대회」에서 특별상을 수상했다.
이신영 학생은 치열한 예전전을 통해 최종 파이널 10인에 선발되어 일본, 중국 등 많은 쟁쟁한 참가자들 속에서 유일한 한국인 수상자라는 타이틀을 거머쥐었다. 결선에서는 Faded(by Alan Walker)를 편곡했고, 자작곡 ‘별의 파편 (Fragment of Star)’을 연주하여, 편곡곡인Faded로 특별상을 수상했다.
이신영 학생은 초등학교 5학년 때 방과 후 교실에서 통기타를 접한 후, 혼자서 유튜브 영상을 보고 따라 치면서 독학으로 실력을 쌓았다고 한다. 그 후 지금까지 미국 Indiana State Fingerstyle Competition 등 국제대회 및 국내대회에 참가해왔다.
이신영 학생은 “평소 존경하는 한수진 바이올리니스트처럼 사람들 한테 감명을 주는 연주를 하고 싶었다” 며 “이번 수상을 통해 한국에서 음반을 내고, 특히 일본에서 더욱 활발하게 활동해 K-기타계의 우수성을 알릴 것”이라고 포부를 밝혔다.
Ghent University Global Campus student, 'Shin-young Lee' won the "Special Award" for the international 'Solo Guitar Competition 2024' in Japan
Shin-young Lee (BA3), a third-year student at Ghent University's Global Campus, won a special prize at the "Solo Guitar Competition 2024" in Japan, recognized as an authoritative competition for guitar music worldwide.
Shin-young Lee was selected as one of the final ten finalists through fierce competition and won the title of the only Korean winner among many prominent contenders, including Japan and China. In the final round, she arranged Faded (by Alan Walker), performed her own song, "Fragment of Star," and won a special prize.
Shin-young Lee said she had developed her skills through self-study by watching and copying YouTube videos alone after encountering the guitar in an after-school classroom in the fifth grade of elementary school. Since then, she has participated in international and domestic competitions like the Indiana State Fingerstyle Competition in the United States.
She said "I wanted to play songs that impress people like Soo-jin Han, a violinist I admire," and she added "Through this award, I will release an album in Korea and promote the excellence of the K-guitar worldwide, especially in Japan,"
Shin-young Lee was selected as one of the final ten finalists through fierce competition and won the title of the only Korean winner among many prominent contenders, including Japan and China. In the final round, she arranged Faded (by Alan Walker), performed her own song, "Fragment of Star," and won a special prize.
Shin-young Lee said she had developed her skills through self-study by watching and copying YouTube videos alone after encountering the guitar in an after-school classroom in the fifth grade of elementary school. Since then, she has participated in international and domestic competitions like the Indiana State Fingerstyle Competition in the United States.
She said "I wanted to play songs that impress people like Soo-jin Han, a violinist I admire," and she added "Through this award, I will release an album in Korea and promote the excellence of the K-guitar worldwide, especially in Japan,"
1. 이신영 겐트대 학생, 일본 기타음악 국제대회 특별상 – 한국경제 (hankyung.com)
2, 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스 3학년 이신영 , 「Solo Guitar Competition 2024 국제대회」서 특별상 수상 – 대한경제 (dnews.co.kr)
3. 한국인 기타리스트 이신영, 'Solo Guitar Competition 2024' 특별상 수상 – 경인매일 (kmaeil.com)
4. 겐트대 글캠 이신영 학생, 국제대회서 ‘특별상’ 수상 – 헤럴드경제 (heraldcorp.com)