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About Ghent University Global Campus

겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스는 산업통상자원부, 교육부, 인천시 경제자유구역청(IFEZA)이 함께 추진하는 해외 우수대학 국내 유치사업에 겐트대학교가 초빙되어 2014년 9월 개교하였습니다. 분교가 아닌 확장 캠퍼스로서 겐트대학교 교수진이 동일한 커리큘럼으로 티칭하여 동일한 학위를 수여합니다. 200년 전통의 우수한 교육과정을 통해 한국에서도 세계적 수준의 인재양성과 연구를 통해 한국 고등교육발전에 새로운 전기가 되고자 합니다.

Ghent University Global Campus opened in September 2014 offering three bachelor’s degree programs in life sciences: Environmental Technology, Food Technology and Molecular Biotechnology.

GUGC wants to challenge our students to make a difference in the world through their ambitions.

The world faces several problems including international health, climate change, and food security. The rise of trade and travel has unfortunately introduced diseases to new regions as a side effect. Climate change has impacted many aspects of society ranging from billions of dollars of a country’s economy to health conditions affecting millions of citizens. As for food security, the present methods are not enough in terms of both cost and production for the current population, much less the projected increase.

Ghent University Global Campus believes such problems should be met by the education of students in life sciences disciplines that balance critical and creative thinking to produce educated and innovative solutions. Our three degree programs of molecular biotechnology, environmental technology, and food technology are designed to equip those students with the skills necessary to tackle these global issues. This university believes that the only truly sustainable solution to a seemingly endless stream of international problems would be a continual preparation of the new generation to address these problems.

Ghent University Global Campus has been accredited by both the Ministry of Education of Korea and the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders of Europe.
The Chinese Ministry of Education has also included Ghent University Global Campus on its list of authorized foreign educational institutions.

Accreditation Report: https://www.kwaliteitszorg.vluhr.be/files/VLUHR_incheon_2020.pdf