겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스-형지 엘리트와 함께 글로벌인재육성 2024 형지엘리트장학금수여식 개최

겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스(GUGC) 본관에서 ‘2024년 형지엘리트-겐트대학교 장학금 수여식’이 4일 개최되었다. 이번 수여식은 겐트대 글로벌캠퍼스의 글로벌 인재 를 양성하기 위한 노력을 지원하기 위해 마련됐다.
2023년부터 시작된 형지엘리트 장학 프로그램은 지역사회와의 긴밀한 협력을 통해 상호 우호적인 관계를 구축하기 위한 취지로 운영되고 있다.이와 함께 학업 성취도와 의지가 뛰어나고 학교생활에 모범적인 학생, 환경 연구 분야에서 두각을 나타내는 인재 등 겐트대 글로벌캠퍼스에서 꿈과 비전을 실현하고자 하는 학생들에게 수여되고 있다.
형지엘리트 최준호 대표이사는 “미약하지만 우리의 작은 보탬이 대한민국을 이끌어 나가는 글로벌 인재인 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스 학생들에게 발전된 방향성을 제시하고 사회에 기여하며 성장하는 데 도움이 될 수 있다는 점에 자부심을 느낀다”고 말했다.
겐트대 글로벌캠퍼스 한태준 총장은 “국가 발전과 국민의 삶에 많은 혜택을 안겨주고 있는 형지엘리트가 학교와 학생들에게 관심을 갖고 , 안정감을 주는 보금자리를 제공해주시는 것에 깊이 감사드린다”며 장학금을 받은 학생들이 훌륭히 성장하여 사회에 이러한 나눔을 실천하는 선순환이 이루어지길 기원한다”고 덧붙였다
이번에 장학금을 수여 받은 김태린 장학생(분자생명공학과) 은 “패션그룹 형지는 고등학생 때 교복으로 친숙한 기업이었는데, 이제는 후원자로 만나게 되어 더욱 뜻깊다며 안정적인 환경 속에서 학업에 매진할 수 있도록 도와주신데 감사하다”는 마음을 전했다.
이번 장학금 수여식은 프로그램은 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스와 형지 엘리트 간의 파트너십을 강화하고, 교육 기회를 확대하면서, 학문 및 플랜트, 환경 연구 분야에서 미래 인재를 양성하는 데 기여할 것으로 기대된다.
Ghent University Global Campus and Hyungji Elite Join Hands to Foster Global Talent
2024 Hyungji Elite Scholarship Award Ceremony Held
The 2024 Hyungji Elite-Ghent University Global Campus Scholarship Award Ceremony was held on December 4 at the main building of Ghent University Global Campus (GUGC). This ceremony was organized to support GUGC's mission of nurturing global talent.
Launched in 2023, the Hyungji Elite Scholarship Program aims to build mutually beneficial relationships with the local community through close collaboration. The program awards scholarships to students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance, strong motivation, exemplary conduct in their school life, and notable achievements in environmental research. It also supports students at GUGC striving to realize their dreams and visions.
Mr. Junho Choi, CEO of Hyungji Elite, shared, “Though our contribution is modest, it is a great honor to support the outstanding students of Ghent University Global Campus, who are growing into global leaders. I take pride in helping them pursue a path of meaningful societal contributions and development.”
Dr. Taejun Han, President of GUGC, expressed gratitude, saying, “Hyungji Elite has provided countless benefits to the nation and its people. Their interest and support in offering a stable foundation for our students is truly appreciated. We hope that the scholarship recipients will grow into remarkable individuals who practice generosity and create a virtuous cycle of giving back to society.”
One of the scholarship recipients, Ms. Taerin Kim, a Molecular Biotechnology student, said, “Hyungji Elite was a familiar name to me as a high school student because of their school uniforms. Meeting them now as a sponsor makes this even more meaningful. I deeply appreciate their support, which allows me to fully focus on my studies in a stable environment.”
This scholarship program is expected to strengthen the partnership between Ghent University Global Campus and Hyungji Elite, expand educational opportunities, and contribute to cultivating future talent in academic fields such as plant science and environmental research
Launched in 2023, the Hyungji Elite Scholarship Program aims to build mutually beneficial relationships with the local community through close collaboration. The program awards scholarships to students who demonstrate exceptional academic performance, strong motivation, exemplary conduct in their school life, and notable achievements in environmental research. It also supports students at GUGC striving to realize their dreams and visions.
Mr. Junho Choi, CEO of Hyungji Elite, shared, “Though our contribution is modest, it is a great honor to support the outstanding students of Ghent University Global Campus, who are growing into global leaders. I take pride in helping them pursue a path of meaningful societal contributions and development.”
Dr. Taejun Han, President of GUGC, expressed gratitude, saying, “Hyungji Elite has provided countless benefits to the nation and its people. Their interest and support in offering a stable foundation for our students is truly appreciated. We hope that the scholarship recipients will grow into remarkable individuals who practice generosity and create a virtuous cycle of giving back to society.”
One of the scholarship recipients, Ms. Taerin Kim, a Molecular Biotechnology student, said, “Hyungji Elite was a familiar name to me as a high school student because of their school uniforms. Meeting them now as a sponsor makes this even more meaningful. I deeply appreciate their support, which allows me to fully focus on my studies in a stable environment.”
This scholarship program is expected to strengthen the partnership between Ghent University Global Campus and Hyungji Elite, expand educational opportunities, and contribute to cultivating future talent in academic fields such as plant science and environmental research
※ 관련기사
1) 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스-형지 엘리트와 함께 글로벌인재육성 2024 형지엘리트장학금수여식 개최 [한국미디어뉴스]
2) 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스, 형지 엘리트와 함께 글로벌 인재 육성 [경인매일]
3) 겐트대 글로벌캠퍼스, 형지 엘리트와 함께 글로벌 인재육성 위한 장학금 수여식 개최 [교육연합신문]
1) 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스-형지 엘리트와 함께 글로벌인재육성 2024 형지엘리트장학금수여식 개최 [한국미디어뉴스]
2) 겐트대학교 글로벌캠퍼스, 형지 엘리트와 함께 글로벌 인재 육성 [경인매일]
3) 겐트대 글로벌캠퍼스, 형지 엘리트와 함께 글로벌 인재육성 위한 장학금 수여식 개최 [교육연합신문]