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[COVID-19] Prevention on campus and during dormitory check-in period
20/08/18 16:08 | Student Services Divisions | View 17571 | Comments 0

Prevention of coronavirus on campus and during dormitory check-in period


As there had been mass outbreak of COVID-19 infection over the weekend, the university is continuously paying close attention to the news and guidelines of the government to prevent the spread on campus.

In addition to this, we especially require cooperation from all members of the campus and we’d like to highlight the student conduct part as below.


If you have high fever, coughing, or other respiratory symptoms that’s known to be relevant to the virus;

DO NOT proceed with dormitory check-in but contact Student Services(032-626-4006) immediately about your situation.

For resit exams, please refer to the email from Academic Affairs and contact the office directly.


Also, even if you do not have above symptoms, please avoid visiting crowded areas and follow the daily prevention measure of washing hands and wearing a mask in the public. The detailed guideline is attached.


