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2021 Spring Housing Guideline Summaries
20/11/06 14:05 | Student Services | View 13542 | Comments 0


Please find the student housing guideline summaries with updated information on allocation proportion below.



Housing Guideline Summaries



Students who matriculated from

September 2014 to September 2019

Students who matriculated

from March 2020 onwards

Eligibility to Apply for Housing

Current students and returning students who don’t fall under any of the ineligible groups. See below.

New students, current students, and returning students who don’t fall under any of the ineligible groups. See below.

Ineligibility to Apply for Housing

① Those who have, or who are carriers of certain communicable diseases


      ② Those who are on leave of absence


③ Those who have been subjected to eviction in the past for violation of housing rules and regulations


④ Those whose accumulated penalty points or strikes exceed the limit set by housing rules and regulations


⑤ Those who apply for housing by illegal or improper means


⑥ Those whom a dormitory supervisor deems unsuitable for communal living

① Those who have, or who are carriers of certain communicable diseases


     ② Those who are on leave of absence


③ Those who have been subjected to eviction in the past for violation of housing rules and regulations


④ Those whose accumulated penalty points or strikes exceed the limit set by housing rules and regulations


⑤ Those who apply for housing by illegal or improper means


⑥ Those whom a dormitory supervisor deems unsuitable for communal living


⑦ Those whose commuting distance to school by public transportation (subway and/or bus) is within one hour during rush hour (7am-8am & 6pm-8pm) in Incheon area based on Naver: Yeonsu-gu, Incheon


Allocation Proportion

- The allocation proportion doesn’t affect students who matriculated from 2014 to 2019



  • New matriculants: 50%
  • Other students: 50%



*Students will be considered new matriculants for the first two consecutive semesters:

    - March matriculants: Spring – Fall

- September matriculants: Fall – Spring of the following AY



Selection  Criteria


 First-come, first-served basis


* Even though students who matriculated from 2014 to 2019 have guaranteed housing, the selection criteria will still apply for choosing dormitory room type

First-come, first-served basis

When New Guidelines Will Take Effect

Spring Semester of AY 2020-2021

Spring Semester of AY 2020-2021