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[NOTICE] Closing of Study Rooms until Thursday, December 3rd
20/12/02 13:06 | Student Services Division | View 20431 | Comments 0

As we are concerned regarding the outbreak of COVID-19, we have decided to temporarily close the study rooms for the students until Thursday, December 3rd due to disinfection purpose.


Also, if you are not research interns or have any prior appointment with faculty or any admin department, you are highly recommended to stay out of the building.

You will have access to the study rooms and study spaces starting Friday, December 4th.


We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you, but please understand that this decision was made for the safety of our students.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Student Services at studentservices@ghent.ac.kr or Academic Affairs at academicaffairs@ghent.ac.kr