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[Job Vacancy] Doctor-assistant/Full-time Post-doctoral researcher in Immunology and Molecular Biology
23/04/25 10:21 | 겐트대 | View 8294 | Comments 0
Job Summary
Full-time post-doctoral researcher – Ghent University Global Campus
Department:  Department  of  Environmental  Technology,  Food  Technology  and Molecular Biotechnology (KR01)
Degree: PhD in Science, Biotechnology or Bio-engineering, with a thesis covering one of the fields: Immunology and/or Molecular Biology.
Contract: maximum 6-year contract (2 + 2 +2)
Occupancy rate: 100%
Vacancy Type: Doctor-assistant
Last application date: 15 May 2023 (Applicants are encouraged to apply immediately as the position will be filled when there is a right candidate)
Starting date: 15 August, 2023
Job Position
Ghent University Global Campus, South Korea, has a vacancy for a full-time post-doctoral research position, starting from August, 2023. It concerns a 6-year (maximum) full-time position.
The  candidate  will  work  under  the  supervision  of Prof. Dr. Radwanska  at  the Biomedical Research Center. The selected candidate is expected to guide ongoing PhD projects and teach undergraduate practical courses, design and perform high-quality scientific research at Ghent University Global Campus, South Korea.
A research proposal has to be submitted. The laboratory has a long-standing history of infectious  diseases  Immunology  with  a  strong focus on  vaccine  related  research. Candidates are asked to propose an innovative research project in the field of Medical Biotechnology based on recent publications of the laboratory. Submission of such project is mandatory in order to be considered an eligible candidate.
Doctor-assistant tasks include:
Practical course support:
⬧ Providing oversight for students during exercise sessions and practical courses of Immunology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Animal Biology.
⬧        Organization of exercise sessions and practical courses.
⬧        Support and supervision during examination sessions.
Research center support:
⬧        Execution of research center projects.
⬧        Apply for research grants at the National and International level.
⬧        Providing support and supervision to ongoing PhD projects.
⬧        Support for laboratory experiments and facility.
⬧        Management of the laboratory stocks and inventories.
Required Skills
⬧     PhD in Sciences, Biotechnology or Bio-engineering with MSc thesis covering one of the fields: Immunology and/or Molecular Biology.
⬧        Background knowledge of vaccinology.
⬧        Background   knowledge   of   Immunology   and   host-parasite   interactions. Knowledge of T. brucei experimental models will be considered a crucial asset.
⬧        Knowledge   of   scRNAseq   technology   and   data   processing   pipelines   is mandatory.
⬧        Basic knowledge of Biochemistry.
⬧        Proof of past teaching experience and practical course guidance.
⬧        Strong English communication and presentation skills in both speaking and writing.
⬧      Knowledge of the Korean language is an asset, as it will enable you to mediate communication with Korean companies, equipment/reagent providers, and outsourcing partners.
⬧        Excellent service oriented mind and a pro-active attitude with the maturity to deal with stressful situations and a strong sense of responsibility.
⬧        The  ability  to  work  independently,  have  strong  self-learning  ability,  and maintain an excellent team spirit as well as strong working ethics.
⬧        Willingness to work flexible working hours from time to time and participate in events outside of regular working hours can be required.
Application Documents
❖    Motivation letter and maximum 2 page research plan related to the advertised position and research conducted currently in the lab.
❖    Full resume (CV), including at least 3 references.
❖    Copy of the PhD degree (a PDF copy of the PhD can be submitted during the selection procedure).
❖    Transcripts (overview of study results).
All required documents must be submitted in English. The documents must be merged into a single PDF file and sent to GUGC_HR@ghent.ac.kr and Prof. Dr. Magdalena Radwanska, Magdalena.Radwanska@ghent.ac.kr (subject  line:  Full-time  Doctor- Assistant).
Application Process and Interview
⬧        Interviews will take place in stages from the first available time, possibly via Skype or Zoom.
⬧        Applicants are encouraged to apply immediately as the position will be filled upon finding the right candidate.
We reserve the right to hold applications on file for potential future job openings.