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[Call for Proposal] Bilateral Exchange Program 2022(Belgium, Brazil, Czech, France, Turkey, Vietnam)
22/04/19 14:24 | 겐트대 | View 3221 | Comments 0
Bilateral Exchange Program 2022

Announced on April 6th by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). 

1. Program Features

  - Program Type : Research Exchange(personnel exchange, joint seminar, etc.)
  - Program Summary by Countries

2. Eligibility

- Researchers at universities/institutes eligible under Article 2 of the Academic Promotion Act
- Researchers who are NOT restricted under the followings:
① A researcher, as of the commencement date, who is currently participating or intends to participate as PI in other NRF funded international cooperation programs*
    ※ Short-term research exchange(international symposium/seminar/airfare funding) programs are NOT included.
    ※ For the project with an extended period due to COVID-19, only the originally contracted period is considered.

* NRF funded International Cooperation Program
NRF-NSFC Joint Research, NRF-JSPS Joint Research, NRF-NSFC Key Joint Research, A3 Foresight Program, ROK-GER Cooperation Program(DFG,DAAD,AvH), NRF-STINT Cooperation Program, ROK-US Cooperation Program in Humanities, Research Exchange(bilateral/unilateral), NRF-IIASA Cooperation Program, NRF-CSTEC Young Researcher Exchange Program(dispatched researchers only)

② A researcher under the restriction of participation in a national R&D project(participation can be allowed only if his/her restriction ends before the last day of submission).

③ A researcher funded by the NRF, and has not yet submitted the final report on the respective projects within the due date.

④ A researcher who intends to submit the same research already funded by either the NRF or other funding agencies.

3. How to Apply


4. Contact Point
Name Contact Countries in Charge
Ji-min Kim(Ms.) Email jmkim@nrf.re.kr Brazil, Turkey, Vietnam
Tel. +82-(0)2-3460-5724
Sungbeen Park(Mr.) Email sbpark725@nrf.re.kr Belgium, Czech, France
Tel. +82-(0)2-3460-5722
※ Please refer to the attachments for more details.
※ This is an English translation of the Korean notice on NRF website.(:: 한국연구재단 :: (nrf.re.kr)
