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[겐트대 글로벌캠퍼스] 수리생물학 박사과정 학생 모집
15/05/06 09:46 | 홍보처 | View 7368 | Comments 0

PhD position in Mathematical biology: Ghent University Global Campus, Incheon, South Korea      


  There is a vacancy for a PhD position in Applied Mathematics in Ghent University Global Campus (GUGC), Incheon, South Korea (www.ghent.ac.kr). Ghent University Global Campus is the first campus of Ghent University outside Belgium. Ghent University has the ambition to organize a first-rate, truly European education in Asia and to develop excellent research in the fields of Molecular biotechnology, environmental and food technology. Its programs are accredited in Flanders and in Korea.


      While the prospective candidate will work in GUGC, Korea, the eventual PhD degree of the candidate will be from Ghent University, Belgium. The research focus of the student is expected to be in the area of mathematical/systems biology particularly in the area of discretization of reaction-diffusion biochemical networks. The candidate will have teaching duties as well. Since Ghent University is building its campus from scratch in Korea, the candidate will need to assist his/her supervisor in teaching undergraduate mathematics courses. The salary of the PhD candidate will be at the level of the standard salary of a PhD candidate of Ghent University main campus in Belgium. While the candidate will mainly work under the supervision of Prof. Shodhan Rao at GUGC, he/she will be co-supervised also by Prof. Bernard de Baets from the department of mathematical modelling, statistics and bioinformatics (Biomath) at Ghent University. The candidate will therefore have the opportunity to spend at least one month every summer in Ghent University during the course of his/her PhD.

        The prospective candidate is expected to have a very strong background in mathematics. Knowledge of biology or chemistry at undergraduate level is preferable although not mandatory. The prospective candidate is expected to be highly motivated to conduct research in the area of mathematical biology and should have an excellent academic track record. People from varying backgrounds including those with a masters degree in Mathematics, Systems and Control, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Biotechnology, and with a strong undergraduate mathematical training are encouraged to apply. Exceptional candidates from other science/engineering backgrounds shall also be considered.


The expected starting date of the PhD candidate is August 15, 2015. Interested candidates can email their CV to shodhan.rao@ghent.ac.kr.