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[Notice] Proposing for the Samsung Future Technology Promotion Project (SFTPP)
21/11/05 11:15 | 겐트대 | View 3312 | Comments 0
Announcement of Proposing for Samsung Future Technology Promotion Project (SFTPP)

     1. Fields and Projects
  • Fields of mathematical science, physics, chemistry, life science, and the convergence and complex fields based on them.
  • Basic research that expected to achieve significant academic results by discovering new scientific phenomenon, theoretical, experimental investigations of new scientific phenomenon, or identifying discovered scientific phenomenon and principles through new experiments, analysis, and interpretation.
- Possible to propose a new approach to solve the unsolved problems in the fields of basic mathematics and theoretical physics.
- Including basic pharmaceutical research that reveals the nature of life phenomena in the life science field.
  • Basic and applied complex research in a new direction based on the phenomena and principles of basic science and expected to have social and economic ripple effects.
- Basic science-based research related to materials or ICT is also possible.
- We encourage new and original research rather than continuous research that has already been carried out by the proposer or other researchers, and we support the project focusing on the proposed ideas rather than the proposer’s achievements.

    2. Qualification for Proposing
  • Researchers affiliated with domestic institutions. (Nationality is irrelevant.)
             - Domestic University Faculty (full-time, non-full-time), and researcher at university research institutes.
  • Researcher at a public research institution.
- National and public research institutes; Government-funded research institutes established in accordance with the ‘Act on The Establishment, Operation And Fostering Of Government-funded Science And Technology Research Institutes, Etc.’; Specific research institutes subject to the “Support of Specific Research Institutes Act”; University in accordance with the provisions of ‘Higher Education Act’; Institutions prescribed by Presidential Decree as corporations or organizations related to R&D established under the ‘Civil Act’ or other Acts.
  • Researchers in research institutes affiliated with companies or in dedicated departments.
- Researchers affiliated
with large corporations are excluded. Only researchers affiliated with corporate research institutes and R&D departments can apply, which both are recognized by the Korea Industrial Technology Association and in accordance with the Act on Promotion of Basic Research and Support for Technology Development.
  • Requirements for the principal investigator
- The principal investigator should lead and take responsibility for all research activities from suggesting ideas to planning and implementing research plans.
- The principal investigator should be able to directly conduct and be immersed in the research (Researchers who do not have enough capacity to perform the task proposed due to the position or concurrent implementation of other tasks may be rejected.)
- The principal investigator must be affiliated with and working in the specified institution when starting the project.
- The qualifications of participating researchers who perform research tasks together are the same as those of the principal investigator, and even if the principal investigator and the institution to which the researcher belongs are different, they can be included in the research team.

   ​ 3. Period and Schedule
  The 2nd round of 2021 The 1st round of 2022
Submission of
Research Proposal
'20.12.14(Mon) ~ '21.6.11(Fri) 17:00 '21.6.14(Mon) ~ '21.12.10(Fri) 17:00
Result Disclosure of
Document Review
Scheduled for '21.7.9(Fri) Scheduled for'22.1.21(Fri)
Submission of
Research Plan
'21.7.9(Fri)~ 7.30(Fri) 17:00 '22.1.21(Fri) ~ 2.15(Tue) 17:00
Submission of
Presentation Material
'21.7.9(Fri) ~ 8.17(Tue) 17:00 '22.1.21(Fri) ~ 3.4(Fri) 17:00
Presentation Review '21.8.28(Sat) ~ 8.29(Sun) '22.3.7(Mon) ~ 3.11(Fri)
Disclosure of
Selected Proposal
Scheduled for '21.10.5(Tue) expected Scheduled for '22.3.31(Thu)
Research Agreement and Funding Payment During November of 2021 During May of 2022
  • The schedule may be changed, and if rescheduled, notice will be posted on the website and informed to the applicant individually by email.
  • Check the review result of each phase on the websitehttp://www.samsungstf.org/ssrfPr/program/basic.do (‘My Page’ after logging in), and only the final selected project will be publicly announced.
4. Inquiry

  • Check out and inquiry more details on the ‘FAQ’ notice board and ‘Inquiry’.
  • Basic Science: 02-597-0401
  • ARS: Mathematical Science 2, Physics 3, Chemistry 4, Life science 5.
  • Website Link: http://www.samsungstf.org/ssrfPr/program/basic.do